icons \ spaces
Leszek Oprządek (PL), Lukasz Leszczynski (PL), Michal Misiak (PL), Olga Zabron (PL), Tamara Berdowska (PL).
Curated by Olga Ząbroń and Michał Misiak (PL).
Among the most important features of the idea of the icon is becoming, coexisting with the observer. It can be said that this is a type of co-authorship. The subject of the image-icon comes into existence in relation with its interaction with the observer. This process engages the recipient to such a degree that it changes him, leads his mind into an exceptional state. At the same time, the image-icon becomes the person who is experiencing it. It is not just the icon that participates in being the image, but also he who takes in the image, who becomes its witness, who enters its space. The actual corporeality of the object takes on a secondary meaning here.
“Spaces” is transgression. It is concealing and unveiling. It is thinking about what is at the centre and what is outside it. Each participant of the exhibition approaches the problem of space differently, but in all of the works it is the space outside of what can be seen that is significant – another dimension that can involve the audience.
Olga Ząbroń, Michał Misiak.
Partners: Mikhail Bulgakov Museum.
Media partners: Kyiv Daily
Mikhail Bulgakov museum
Andreevskiy Descent, 13
Kiev, Ukraine.
Opening July 22th, 7-9 pm.
On view through August 20th.
Open hours: 10am–6pm.
Closed - Wednesdays.
Exhibition views.
All photos ©KNO
Tamara Berdowska, Michał Misiak.
Tamara Berdowska
„Whirl”, 2018.
Spatial drawing, 21x21 cm.
Tamara Berdowska
„Whirl”, 2018. (fragment)
Spatial drawing, 21x21 cm.
Michał Misiak
„F-14”, 2017. Acrylic on cotton canvas, 40x40 cm.
„F-15”, 2017. Acrylic on cotton canvas, 40x40 cm.
Michał Misiak
„F-14”, 2017. Acrylic on cotton canvas, 40x40 cm.
„F-15”, 2017. Acrylic on cotton canvas, 40x40 cm.
Łukasz Leszczyński
„9C”, 2017. Acrylic on canvas, 40x30 cm.
„9”, 2017. Acrylic on wood, 10x10x10 cm.
Łukasz Leszczyński
„9”, 2017. Acrylic on wood, 10x10x10 cm.
Łukasz Leszczyński
„9C”, 2017. Acrylic on canvas, 40x30 cm.
Olga Aglo Ząbroń
Untitled, 2018.Oil on canvas, plywood, 31x35 cm.
Untitled, 2018.Oil on canvas, plywood, 31x37 cm.
Olga Aglo Ząbroń
Untitled, 2018.Oil on canvas, plywood, 31x35 cm.
Olga Aglo Ząbroń, Leszek Oprządek.
Leszek Oprządek
Untitled, 2015.
Radiograph, own technique.
Leszek Oprządek
Untitled, 2015.
Radiograph, own technique.
Leszek Oprządek
Untitled, 2015.
Radiograph, own technique.